Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kampong Cham

I spent 2 days in Kampong Cham, a small town in Eastern Cambodia.  It's picturesque and the people are very friendly.  Unfortunately, like in Battambang, almost everything was closed because of the new year. That included restaurants, grocery stores, and convenience stores.  I mainly spent my time there walking and biking around town.  There's an island in the middle of the river that I biked all over.  In the dry season, the only way to get to the island is by bamboo bridge. After my last biking riding mishap (I sort of fell in the river while riding along the Mekong Delta), I was pretty nervous about going over this very rickety, shaky bridge.  To make it worse, all forms of transportation are allowed, so there are motorbikes, cars, and horse-drawn carriages speeding past in both directions. I'm happy to say I made it across the bridge with no mishaps, and had a great time exploring. 

clouds over the Mekong

bamboo bridge!
self pic...needed to document myself on the bridge

pretty gate on the island

boats: in water and on land

man and horses

toll road, Cambodian-style

disgusting feet (after 4 hrs of riding around on dirt roads)

Obama High Power! (car battery)

this is how the locals travel. what up, safety standards?

this guy was actually sitting on a motorbike attached to the back of a truck

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